The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), the OSU-based National Science Foundation (NSF) Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), recently announced a new funding opportunity: Proto-IRG (Interdisciplinary Research Group) Seed Grants. Propsective applicants are encouraged to attend a workshop exploring the formation, composition, structure, and operation of NSF MRSEC IRGs.
Friday, February 19, 4-5 pm
4138 Physics Research Building, 191 West Woodruff Ave
The CEM is currently comprised of two IRGs. The idea behind incubating Proto-IRGs at this stage is to stimulate interdisciplinary research with the potential to develop into full-scale IRGs at the time of renewal of the CEM (June 2013).
This workshop will address various question regarding NSF MRSEC IRGs including: What are the hallmarks of a successful IRG? How is an IRG dierent from a multiple-PI project?
Panel: Nitin Padture, CEM Director
Chris Hammel, IRG-1 Co-Leader
Zeke Johnston-Halperin, IRG-1 Co-Leader
Pat Woodward, IRG-2 Co-Leader
Len Brillson, IRG-2 Co-Leader
Written proposals for the 2010 Seed Program are due 5:00 PM, Friday, April 30, 2010. Selected teams shall be asked to make 30-minute presentations to the Executive Committee of the CEM in mid-August, 2010. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2010. Awards are expected to be up to $100,000 in direct costs per Proto-IRG per year, with smaller awards possible for proposals with technical merit but insuciently developed IRG-potential.
For more information please download the full announcement. Potential applicants may contact the Seed Board Co-Chairs Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin (, 614-247-4074) or Fengyuan Yang (, 614-688-4390) for questions related to potential research activities.