Director’s Message
Welcome to the Center for Emergent Materials: an NSF MRSEC
The CEM, a National Science Foundation (NSF) supported Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), performs integrated research on emergent materials and phenomena in magnetoelectronics. The research activities conducted at the CEM focus on developing and understanding materials that grant improved control over magnetic properties and providing foundations for next generation information processing and computing technologies. The CEM also has an active Seed Funding program, aimed at supporting new ideas with the potential for transformative impact on science and technology.
Education is an important component of our research activities. Our programs take an interactive, constructionist approach to address the nature and cognitive cause of the misconception of materials science concepts. Other activities include developing high-school materials science courses, training teachers, providing research opportunities to undergraduates, and K-12 outreach.
Prof. Joshua Goldberger