CEM National Laboratory Seminar Featuring Dr. John Freeland from Argonne National Laboratory

October 17, 2012 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Please join us as we welcome Dr. John Freeland from Argonne National Laboratory, for a candid conversation on careers at a national laboratory.

Wednesday, October 17, 2:30-3:30 pm in the Smith Seminar Room in The Physics Research Building (191 W Woodruff Ave)

A light reception will follow the talk.

Dr. Freeland’s research is focused on the application of advanced x-ray probes to understand surfaces and interfaces. His current interests lie in understanding electronic and magnetic properties at the interface between dissimilar complex oxides. The broken symmetry at the interface and altered environment is an interesting area to explore what happens to the ground-state of competing strongly correlated electron systems.  He is now using in-situ techniques to follow real-time phenomena ranging from optical control of oxides to catalysis on perovskite surfaces to watching materials grow in order to understand how interfaces form. Freeland Flyer

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