NSF Funding Acknowledgment Language

It is vital that publications resulting from CEM funding acknowledge the grant, including the grant number (DMR-2011876). The NSF will not credit CEM for publications if the grant number is missing or incorrect. Publications acknowledgements are an important factor in demonstrating the center’s level of performance. It is necessary for the continued success of the center that the CEM is properly acknowledged.

The NSF closely examines acknowledgements in all CEM publications to determine if CEM should be credited, and to determine whether the research was primarily or only partially supported by CEM. If CEM is the primary source of support either state primary support explicitly or avoid the use of language suggesting partial support.

Primary Support

(> 50% support from CEM; students, post-docs, materials/supplies, facilities, user fees, etc.)

  • “This research was primarily supported by the Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF MRSEC, under award number DMR-2011876.”

Partial Support

(< 50% support from CEM; students, post-docs, materials/supplies, facilities, user fees, etc.)

  • “This research was partially supported by the Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF MRSEC, under award number DMR-2011876.”


(No direct support for students, etc., but research and subsequent publication directly impacted by use CEM-funded facilities)

  • “Funding (or Partial funding) for shared facilities used in this research was provided by the Center for Emergent Materials: an NSF MRSEC under award number DMR-2011876.”