CEM faculty member Chris Hammel published in Nature

Chris Hammel’s commentary titled “Imaging: Nanoscale MRI” was published in the April 2009 issue of the journal Nature in the section News & Views.

Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging offers rich three-dimensional pictures, but with limited resolution. Imaging at the nanometre scale has now become possible using highly sensitive force-detection techniques.

Nature is the international weekly journal of science and has been published monthly since 1870. The full text is available here.

Middle School Students Explore Materials at CEM

Trains that don’t touch the track? Bananas can be hammers? Metals can have memory?!? Middle school students investigated these phenomena and more during a morning of hands-on activities with CEM faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students on February 18, 2009. This visit to the CEM was part of the Breakfast of Science Champions, an Ohio State program that introduces students to science, math, and engineering, and the visit was the second hosted by the CEM this academic year. The students will return to campus in May to participate in a videoconference during which they will share what they learned about the CEM and materials science with other students.

CEM Hosts Women in Engineering Outreach Event

wie1smallCEM shared its transformational research and world-class facilities during the College of Engineering’s Women in Engineering (WiE) “Change the World: WiE Are the Future” program on November 14, 2008. Nine girls (grades 10-12) from Ohio and Michigan attended the event. The girls observed thin film growth by pulsed laser deposition and had the opportunity to operate an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer while touring laboratories on campus. At the Campus Electron Optics Facility, the students witnessed the Titan 3 scanning/transmission electron microscope and Nova-600 dual-beam focused ion beam in action. Participants were also given a “hands-on” opportunity to drive a Sirion high-resolution field-emission gun scanning electron microscope.