CEM Team Science Award at State Science Day on May 7, 2011

The CEM presented the first Team Science Award for the Outstanding Project in interdisciplinary science related to physics, engineering, materials science and electronics to Mr. David Mehrle and Mr. Michael Huntley from Upper Arlington High School.  The award, a $250 Amazon gift card and plaque to each team member, was presented to these two 12th graders, for their work on the project titled “Hydrogen Gas Production in Response to Varying Incident Power of Light Using GaN Nanowires as a Working Electrode.”.  Their faculty advisor is Prof. Roberto Myers.

2010 OSU Materials Week Poster Winners

Please join us in congratulating the Best Poster Award winners from the 2010 OSU Materials Week Poster competition.

2010 OSU Materials Week was a great success, with over 330 participants representing OSU and 15 other universities, over a dozen industry collaborators, and several government labs. Many thanks to our Program Planning Committee, session coordinators, speakers, corporate sponsors, and participants for making this such a fun and informative conference.

A highlight again this year was the student poster sessions, where 80 research posters were presented by OSU students and postdoctoral researchers. On Wednesday, September 15, ten award winners were announced at the Materials Week luncheon. OSU President Gordon Gee joined the group and presented plaques and Barnes and Noble gift cards to each of the ten winners, listed below. Congratulations to the ten students, their advisors, and colleagues on an excellent presentation of your research.

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Kelvin Hux, CEM REU Student, Shares 1st Place Prize for Materials in the Honda iDream Student Challenge

Honda recently announced the winners of the first iDream Student Challenge at the 2010 Honda Initiation Grant Technical Horizon Symposium in Columbus, Ohio. With a focus on technologies that advance the quality of human life, the iDream Student Challenge is a scholarship program designed to inspire new thinking to everyday challenges and foster a spirit of innovation among the leaders of tomorrow.

This year’s competition included 19 teams of Ohio State science and engineering students whose projects offered creative engineering solutions and innovative technologies in one of three categories: electronics, mobility and materials. A total of $60,000 was awarded to the top three teams in each category as well as to the viewer’s choice winner, a team chosen via online voting. Five MSE students won a total of $14,000 prizes for their projects submitted to the iDream Student Challenge in Material Category.

Under the mentoring of Nitin Padture, one of the CEM supported REU students, Kelvin Hux and his teammate’s participanting project won the 1st place with $8,000 prize.  Continue reading

CEM International Internships Awarded

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) is proud to announce the following CEM International Internship Grants:

Awardee: Alexanne Holcombe
Advisor: Patricia Morris, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
Partner Institution: Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW), Dresden, Germany

Awardee: Mitchell Rutkowski
Advisor: Len Brillson, Electrical and Computer and Engineering (ECE)
Partner Institution: University of Tokyo, Japan

2009 Seed Funding Awards

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) is proud to announce the following Seed Project Grants (2009-2010), totaling $123,000 in direct costs:

“Towards Room Temperature Spin-Injection/Detection in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors”
PI: Asst. Prof. Roberto Myers, Department of Materials Science & Engineering

“Multifunctional Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Manipulation”
PI: Asst. Prof. Jessica Winter, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Co-PI: Prof. R. Sooryakumar, Department of Physics

Renewal of “Heterogeneous Magnetic Particles for Force and Torque Sensing: A New Approach for Single Molecule Biology”
PI: Asst. Prof. Michael Poirier, Department of Physics

Renewal of “Microstructured Polymer Nanofibers for Skeletal Muscle Restoration”
PI: Asst. Prof. Yi Zhao, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Please join us in congratulating Profs. Myers, Poirier, and Zhao, and welcoming Profs. Winter and Sooryakumar to the CEM community.