A Panel Discussion About the 2013 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program
All OSU researchers interested in submitting a proposal to any of the tiers of this year’s seed grant competition are strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about the program, its goals, and the proposal process. Representatives from successful research teams will be discussing their experiences and sharing their advice for effective proposals.
All researchers interested in this year’s seed grant competition are encouraged to join us for general information about the 2013 OSU Materials Seed Grant Program and hear from current seed grant PIs about their experiences with the program.
- Seed Grant Program representatives will give an overview of the OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program and its two funding tiers and expectations for proposal team presentations
- PIs of current seed program research teams and CEM researchers experienced with building effective teams will share best practices for building successful interdisciplinary research teams
- Materials Research Seed Grant Program: Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Physics and ENCOMM Director
- Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants: Gunjan Agarwal, Biomedical Engineering
- Exploratory Materials Research Grants: Carlos Castro, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Anne Co, Chemistry
- MRSEC and Proto-IRG: Joshua Goldberger, Chemistry and Fengyuan Yang, Physics
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