Webinar: How to Write a Winning NSF CAREER Proposal

March 27, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
1080 Physics Research Building

STEM Initiatives will host an Ohio State viewing site for Academic Research Funding Strategies’ two-hour webinar on writing NSF CAREER proposals. The webinar covers:

  • How to decide when and if it’s the right time to apply for a CAREER grant
  • How to position yourself and your research to be competitive for a CAREER
  • How to structure your proposal
  • How to develop an educational plan
  • Keys to success and common mistakes to avoid
  • A step-by-step discussion of each section of the proposal and what it needs to tell the reviewers
  • How to analyze reviews and decide whether to revise and resubmit
  • Questions and Answers

Additional materials, including example proposal sections, proposal outlines, and helpful resources, are also included. To register, visit the Office of Research website. STEM Initiatives will purchase 30-day access to Academic Research Funding Strategies’ recording of the webinar. Instructions for viewing the recording will be available on CarmenWiki (OSU login/password required).