New Graduate Course Offering:Teaching University-level Physics

Teaching university-level physics: a new 7891 course for senior graduate students, Autumn 2013

At the request of physics graduate students, a 1-hour course is being offered this Autumn 2013 for physics graduate students who are 1-2 years from graduating, anticipate teaching physics in higher ed., and would like to learn more about and be better prepared for teaching university-level physics.

The course will:

  • include observations and subsequent discussions of intro and higher-level physics instruction -include one or two opportunities to be a guest lecturer in a physics course (contingent on availability of such opportunities)
  • include readings and discussions of some research-based best teaching practices
  • include discussions with guest physics faculty who have won teaching awards
  • be graded S/U according to participation and completion of observations, guest lectures, in-class discussions, and a 1-page reflection assignment.

Priority will be given to graduate students who will be graduating within 1-2 years. There are 12 seats in the course. If the course is well received, it may be offered in subsequent years. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Andrew Heckler. You can sign up for the 7891 course via the registrar (Section 0040, instructor: Heckler).