3 CEM Participants Receive Recognition

CEM Director Awarded 2016 College of Engineering “Building Bridges” Excellence Award

March 21, 2016image of Chris Hammel

Center for Emergent Materials Director, Dr. P. Chris Hammel, has been awarded the College of Engineering “Building Bridges” Excellence Award. The “Building Bridges” Excellence Award for the College of Engineering was established in 2007. The award is presented each year to a non-COE faculty member at The Ohio State University whose collaborative work with the College of Engineering has advanced the excellence, impact and reputation of both colleges and the University.

Creative Extension Boots Microelectronics Research

February 29, 2016Len Brillson

Leonard Brillson, professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics, has been awarded a rare grant extension from the National Science Foundation to continue his research into microelectronics. The two-year, $380,000 Creativity Extension grant will allow Brillson to continue studying the surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors—the building blocks that drive computers, lasers, televisions and cellphones. The research is helping to create a bridge toward next-generation electronic devices. The Creativity Extension grant offers the most creative investigators an extended opportunity to attack adventurous high-risk opportunities within their general research areas.

Winter Inducted into AIMBE College of Fellows

February 29, 2016Jessica Winter

Jessica Winter, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and biomedical engineering, has been selected for induction into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows. The College of Fellows is comprised of the top two percent of medical and biological engineers in the country and includes the most accomplished and distinguished engineering and medical school chairs, research directors, professors, innovators and entrepreneurs. Winter was selected for her outstanding contributions in biomolecular engineering, particularly the synthesis and development of magnetic quantum dots for cell imaging and separations. Winter was also recently selected by Design News to receive the 2016 Rising Engineering Star award for her work to develop fluorescing nanoparticles for medical diagnosis, imaging and research.

Dr. Jessica Winter Named Design News’ Rising Engineering Star

“Her research may occur at the nanoscale,
but her impact will soon be felt on a global scale.”

Rising Engineering Star 2, WinterRising Engineering Star, Winter
(photos from @OSUengineering via Twitter)

Associate Director Dr. Jessica Winter was recently named Design News’ annual Rising Engineering Star at the Golden Mousetrap Awards in Anaheim, California.

Winter was nominated by Matt Schutte, director of communications & engineering  healthcare solutions at Ohio State’s College of Engineering. When asked about his decision to nominate Winter, he was quoted as saying she“epitomizes the growing trend of engineers applying their skills to solve healthcare challenges. As a cancer survivor herself, she approaches her research with urgency and empathy, and with a focus on translation — on taking knowledge from the bench to the bedside. Jessica is much more than a professor, she is an entrepreneur, a mentor to dozens of students, an enthusiastic Ohio State engineering ambassador, and a productively impatient researcher who knows she can make a difference.”

Read the full article at Design News.

TEC 2016 Ohio State Business Plan Competition

The 2016 Ohio State Business Plan Competition is now underway in the Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (TEC) Institute at OSU. The competition aims to develop of technologies, provide students with educational workshops, and offer substantial resources for winning student teams to launch their ventures. The deadline is January 13 and applications should be submitted online at: http://ohiostatebpc2016.startupcompete.co/

For more information on the OSU Business Plan Competition, visit their website: http://fisher.osu.edu/centers/tec/ohio-state-business-plan-competition