On November 5, 2015, CCAPP, CEM and the Departments of Astronomy and Physics will host the Breakfast of Science Champions, which is for gifted and talented middle school students in Columbus City Schools. Students participate in breakfast, a presentation and then 4 hands-on demo stations including: fun with magnetism or superconducting train, nanoscale magnetism for electronics, snowballs and explosions in our solar system: comets and craters; and surprises about gravity and motion. We end the event with a liquid nitrogen show.
Roland Kawakami named American Physical Society Fellow
The CEM congratulates Professor Roland Kawakami (IRG-2) for his Fellow nomination in the American Physical Society. Kawakami was nominated by the Topical Group on Magnetism (GMAG), “For pioneering advances in understanding the magnetic properties of graphene, including mechanisms of spin lifetime and spin transport, and the role of adatoms in magnetic moment formation.”
CEM Kicks Off 2015 Science Sunday Lecture Series, Hosts Dr. Jeff Childress (HGST)
Science Sundays, a free lecture series open to the public, provides a wide range of current and emerging topics and issues in science that touch our everyday lives. Speakers are experts in their fields from on campus and around the world with experience in making their topics interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages, with or without a science background.
CEM kicked off this year’s program by hosting Dr. Jeff Childress, Research Director at HGST (a Western Digital company in San Jose, California). His talk, “Science and technology of data storage,” was widely attended at the Ohio Union and well-received. Childress articulated the needs and mechanics of data storage throughout our information age with hands-on hard drives, meaningful analogies and visual aids, history, humor, and science. The Science Sundays schedule is available at http://artsandsciences.osu.edu/research/science-sundays
2016 Seed funding RFP is released
We are pleased to announce the 2016 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP), which is open to The Ohio State University (OSU) materials community. This enhanced seed program leverages resources and best practices of the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials Research (IMR). The result is a unified RFP with Funding Tiers designed to achieve the greatest impact for seeding excellence in materials research of varying scopes, and with the goal of generating new directions that extend beyond the boundaries of existing research programs.
CEM Research Featured in Discover Magazine by CEM Alum Andy Berger
Research and faculty from IRG-2D were featured this week in Discovery Magazine in an article titled, “Beyond Graphene, a Zoo of New 2-D Materials Are Being Created.” The article was penned by CEM alumnus and newly minted Ph.D., Andrew Berger. Take a look!