Seminar: “You Are Versatile: Non-Academic Careers for PhDs”
Guest speaker: Paula Chambers, PhD. Founder of The Versatile PhD and OSU Alumnus
Not everyone who earns a Ph.D. wants to or is able to pursue a career as a professor or academic researcher. But many graduate students, post-docs, and faculty are uncertain about what career options exist and how to pursue them. Paula Chambers, founder of THE VERSATILE PHD, presents facts about the academic job market and career pathways. She shows how PhDs do have transferrable skills, that there are lots of careers PhDs can go into, and there are many ways to prepare for those careers. Visit the Versatile PhD
You must register to attend (free) at There are 275 seats at this event. It is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Life-Career Connection and Buckeye Careers, the Office of Research, and the Ohio Union Activities Board.