OSU Bridge Program Featured in Physics Today

The February 2017 issue of Physics Today features an article on Ohio State’s APS Bridge Program: A Bridge Between Undergraduate and Doctoral Degrees.

“If we, as a community, want to make sure there are opportunities for everyone, then we need to recognize that some of the problems we must overcome are found outside J. D. Jackson’s Classical Electrodynamics. Some problems affect students in ways that we probably cannot immediately perceive. Fortunately, once we are made aware of them, many of these issues can be overcome relatively easily using resources and providing attention to students. Supporting students who didn’t get the same encouragement that many of us did and adopting a more nuanced approach during admissions, looking at potential rather than just accomplishments, are practices that will benefit everyone. URM students may not immediately see themselves as a part of our community, but with a little tweaking of our practices, they can join us in this exciting pursuit we call physics.”

Image of OSU Bridge Students

CEM is a devoted supporter of the OSU Bridge Program; several Bridge students conduct CEM research.

Physics Today 70 (2), 50 (2017); doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.3464

CEM Research Advances Thermoelectrics as Waste Heat Recovery Technology

Sometimes instead of generating waste, heat can be utilized to generate power and increase energy efficiency. Newly published research by CEM Profs. McComb and Heremans explain how in this week’s Nature CommunicationsAccording to CEM Postdoc, Dr. Stephen Boona:

“Over half of the energy we use is wasted and enters the atmosphere as heat. Solid-state thermoelectrics can help us recover some of that energy we’re already producing but not using. These devices have no moving parts, don’t wear out, are robust and require no maintenance. Unfortunately, to date, they are also not quite efficient enough to warrant widespread use. We’re working to change that.”

Read more here.

“Physics is Beautiful” App Wins 2016 Student Project Grant from TechHub

Physics Ph.D. candidates Nicolas Scozzaro and Hiran Wijesinghe were awarded a 2016 Student Project Grant from Tech Hub for their app, “Physics is Beautiful.” The award is a $2,000 grant to continue developing their project: an interactive website/app of physics lessons presented in a game-like environment. Scozzaro approached the Center to request minor/administrative support to get the collaborative idea off the ground, and CEM is proud to have supported their innovative and successful idea.


Read the article at Tech Hub here: https://techhub.osu.edu/news/2016/11/16/and-grant-goes-2016-student-project-grant-winners

New CEM Internal Advisory Council for Students and Postdocs

This autumn semester, CEM established a new student and postdoc advisory council to provide guidance and input for the direction of the Center. Do you have an idea for a new event, speaker, or seminar? Do you have feedback to share? The CEM Internal Advisory Council is seeking your input! It is led by postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Jyoti Katoch, and advised by Prof. Nandini Trivedi. If you are a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher interested in participating, please contact Jyoti at katoch.1