Andrew Heckler Awarded 2015 Impact Grant

Prof. Andrew Heckler, CEM Education and Outreach Director, has been selected Andrew Heckleras a recipient of the 2015 OSU Impact Grant from OSU Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE). Prof. Heckler and his team will extend and improve an online platform that enables introductory physics students to practice fundamental mathematical skills.With 6,000 students piloting and ODEE support, the system will be extended to include additional materials, designed for a better user experience, integrated with other campus systems, and made fully accessible for students with disabilities.

The official announcement is here, and you can learn more about Impact Grants here.

CEM Assoc. Director Jessica Winter Named One of “20 People to Know in Technology”

This year Columbus Business First has named the CEM Associate Director, Prof. Jessica Winter from the OSU departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, as one of the 20 People to Know in Technology in the region! Please join us in congratulating Prof. Winter in this achievement. You can read more about this distinction and see her interview here.

2014 Seed Grant Program RFP Now Available

CEM is pleased to announce the 2014 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program Request for Proposals is now available.  This internal seed grant program is open to The Ohio State University materials community and offers two Funding Tiers to cover the breadth of materials research at OSU.

click here for the 2014 RFP with full details and instructions

The two Funding Tiers of the 2014 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program are:

  1. Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants, which provide funds up to $60,000/year per award in direct costs, and require one PI and one Co-PI, and may have unfunded collaborators, with the goal of forming multidisciplinary materials research teams that can compete effectively for federal block-funding opportunities.
  2. Exploratory Materials Research Grants, which provide funds up to $40,000/year per award in direct costs, and require one PI, and may have Co-PIs and/or unfunded collaborators, with the goal of enabling nascent and innovative materials research to emerge to the point of being competitive for external funding. 

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2012-2013 Proto-IRG Awards

The Center for Emergent Materials announces the latest round of Proto-IRG awards. Three new research projects were awarded, for a total investment of $350,000.

Congratulations to the following researchers on their new awards:

  • Roberto Myers, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, “Thermal spintronics: materials for enhanced heat-spin interactions”
  • Michael Poirier, Department of Physics, “Functional dynamics of DNA scaffolded materials”
  • Josh Goldberger, Department of Chemistry, “Band structure engineering on Si/Ge/Sn graphene analogues”