CEM Assoc. Director Winter Featured: Professor survives cancer, searches for solutions

CEM Associate Director, Dr. Jessica Winter, was recently featured Ohio State University’s paper, The Lantern, as a survivor and researcher for breast cancer.

“You might be working on a very important problem, but if all you ever do is publish papers that the same 10 people read and argued about, are you really helping cancer patients?” Winter said. “My paper does not translate into any product that’s helping anyone — there is a gap between the information we have and how it can be used in a therapeutic way. So I’m saying let’s bridge the gap.”

Read the article in its entirety, “Professor survives cancer, searches for solutions.”

2016 Seed funding RFP is released

We are pleased to announce the 2016 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP), which is open to The Ohio State University (OSU) materials community.  This enhanced seed program leverages resources and best practices of the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials Research (IMR).  The result is a unified RFP with Funding Tiers designed to achieve the greatest impact for seeding excellence in materials research of varying scopes, and with the goal of generating new directions that extend beyond the boundaries of existing research programs.

2016 Materials Research Seed Grant Program RFP

Josh Goldberger, CEM investigator, receives Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award

goldbergerProf. Josh Goldberger, assistant professor, chemistry and biochemistry, and co-lead of CEM’s IRG-2, joins an elite group of 13 of the country’s top young chemical sciences researchers named 2015 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars. Selection is based on a body of significant scholarship established during the first five years of their research careers and a demonstrated commitment to education.

Read more: artsandsciences.osu.edu/news

Trivedi receives Simons Fellowship

CEM Faculty_ TrivediNandini Trivedi, co-lead for IRG-1 and professor of theoretical physics, was recently awarded a 2015 Simons Fellowship for Theoretical Physics from the Simons Foundation. The Simons Fellows Programs in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics provide funds to faculty for up to a semester long research sabbatical. Such sabbaticals enable collaboration with scientists from other institutions and help make research goals a reality.