CEM Faculty Jos Heremans Featured in Nature ‘News and Views’ Article: “Thermoelectricity: The ugly duckling”

With tin sometimes described as one of the base (think homeliest) metals, perhaps it should come as no surprise that it, like the misidentified cygnet in Hans Christian Andersen’s tale The Ugly Duckling, may actually be inherently beautiful — at least in the eyes of those who appreciate the potential of thermoelectricity.

To draw the analogy, Professor Joseph Heremans, borrowed the title “Thermoelectricity: The ugly duckling” for an article that he authored and which appears in the April 17, 2014 print edition (Volume 508) of the journal Nature. The article, which can be found on pages 327-328 in the News and Views section of the journal, details why there’s beauty (or higher than imagined thermoelectric efficiency) in the single crystals of tin selenide. The article also serves as context for a research paper authored by a group Northwestern University researchers whom belong to the same Energy Frontier Research Center as Professor Heremans and his research team. 

According to Heremans, the study led by Professor Mercouri Kanatzidis at Northwestern University, his graduate student Li-Dong Zhao and colleagues further underscores the fact that progress in the thermal sciences relative to thermoelectric power applications has been unrelenting and discoveries about thermal conductivity often quite surprising.

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CEM Assoc. Director Jessica Winter Named One of “20 People to Know in Technology”

This year Columbus Business First has named the CEM Associate Director, Prof. Jessica Winter from the OSU departments of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, as one of the 20 People to Know in Technology in the region! Please join us in congratulating Prof. Winter in this achievement. You can read more about this distinction and see her interview here.

Brillson receives Interdisciplinary Research Award

CEM Faculty member Len Brillson was awarded, in conjunction with Profs. Wu Lu and Stephen C. Lee, a Lumley Interdisciplinary Research Award. The three professors, members of the Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering (Brillson, Lu) and Biomedical Engineering (Lee), have worked together to research the use of Field-effect Transistors (FETs) as protein sensors for biomedical applications. The development of this technology may lead to faster and cheaper diagnostics in clinical, biotechnological, and environmental applications.

The Lumley Interdisciplinary Research award was established in honor of John H. Lumley, a 1927 graduate of ceramic engineering, in 2002 to recognize interdisciplinary research accomplishments of College of Engineering faculty and research staff.

Congratulations Len!

CEM Faculty Jos Heremans Elected to National Academy of Engineering

CEM would like to congratulate Prof. Joseph Heremans, (Depts. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Physics) on being named to the National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Heremans was chosen for his discoveries in thermal energy transfer and conversion to electricity and for the commercial devices employed in automobiles. Election to the National Academy of Engineering is among the highest professional distinctions that may be accorded to an individual engineer during their lifetime. Read more here.

CEM Faculty Prof. Len Brillson selected as a 2013 MRS Fellow

CEM would like to congratulate CEM Faculty Member Prof. Len Brillson (Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering) on his selection as a 2013 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fellow. This is a notable achievement considering that 0.2% of MRS members are selected to be Fellows. MRS is the fifth society to select Prof. Brillson as a Fellow. The other societies of which he is a Fellow exemplify the interdisciplinary nature of his research: American Physical Society (APS), AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).