Applications now open for the 2010-2011 Academic Year Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program

The OSU Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) will support 9 undergraduates to do CEM related research during the academic year starting November 1, 2010 and continuing through Spring quarter 2011. Students will be expected to work 8 to 10 hours per week during regular class weeks at $10/hour and to present a poster describing their research at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum toward the end of Spring quarter, 2011. For additional information, please see

OSAA Fellows and Mentors Explore Materials Research at CEM (February 19, 2010)

The CEM introduced cutting-edge materials research to participants in the first mentoring event of 2010 for Ohio’s STEM Ability Alliance (OSAA), an NSF-funded Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM that works to increase the number of students with disabilities that complete STEM degrees. CEM Fellows Mike Hinton (Physics), Alex Holcomb (Materials Science and Engineering), and Trish Meyer (Chemistry) gave 14 undergraduate OSAA fellows and their mentors a first-hand view of pulsed laser deposition of thin films and shared the potential applications of IRG-2’s research into double perovskite interfaces and heterostructures.