OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program (2011-12)

We are pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program (2011-12), open to the Ohio State University (OSU) Materials community. This enhanced seed program leverages resources and best practices from the seed programs of the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), ENCOMM, and Institute for Materials Research (IMR). The result is a unified RFP with three Funding Tiers designed to achieve the greatest impact for seeding excellence in materials research of varying scopes.

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March 10, 3:30-4:30pm: CEM to host “What can I do with a PhD?” panel discussion for undergraduate and graduate students

The Center for Emergent Materials is hosting a “What can I do with a PhD?” panel discussion for the OSU Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, STEM, undergraduate and graduate students on Thursday, March 10, 3:30 – 4:30 in 4138 Physics Research Building.

The panel will consist of speakers from national research laboratories, industry and small businesses. Representatives will be Dr. Daniel Miracle, AFRL: Air Force Research Laboratory; Dr. Chantal Sudbrack, NASA Glenn; Dr. Eric Ott, GE Aviation, and Dr. Paul Dymerski; Applied Biomolecular Technologies, Inc. The speakers will share their experiences and answer questions from the audience.

We are requesting that if you plan to attend and have specific questions for the panel that you email them to Ada Shi at: shi.106@buckeyemail.osu.edu before Tuesday, March 8, so she can get them to the speakers before Thursday. Emailing questions ahead of time will help the speakers know what the audience is looking for as well as keep the discussion moving forward.

A flyer for the panel can be downloaded here.

Please RSVP to Jakki Vaughn at: vaughn.132@osu.edu

Feb 17, 3-4 pm: CEM to host teaching panel for post doctoral fellows and graduate students

The Center for Emergent Materials is hosting a teaching panel for the OSU STEM Post Doctoral Fellows and Graduate Students on Thursday, February 17 from 3-4PM in 1080 PRB.

The panel will consist of two faculty members from Kenyon College, one faculty member from Columbus State and one faculty member from Metro High School. Topics to be discussed include: life as a faculty member at a liberal arts college vs. a large public research university, types of resources and support available for conducting research in a small college environment, requirements for tenure and promotion and other topics.

Please RSVP to Michelle McCombs at mccombs.75@osu.edu