CEM accepting proposals for the 2011 International Internship Award

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) is now accepting proposals for the 2011 CEM International Internship Award.

The aim of the CEM Internship Award Program is to expand and advance collaborative projects. This year the award is designed specifically to advance the developing partnership between the CEM and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden).

Successful applicants will receive up to $5,000 toward allowable costs of research on‐site in the partner institution facility. Allowable costs include travel‐related expenses (airfare, housing, etc), materials and supplies, and facility fees. Internships must be for a minimum of 4 weeks in duration.

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CEM to Host “Keys to Success in Recruiting & Retaining Women in STEM” workshop led by The Women’s Place

The Center for Emergent Materials is teaming with The Women’s Place to host a workshop for CEM faculty and post doctoral fellows on Thursday, November 18 from 2-4PM in 400 Stillman Hall.

This workshop will emphasize mentoring issues in academia including the following: Issues faced by women and underrepresented groups while progressing through the graduate and faculty ranks; hard data about existing barriers; and concrete actions that individuals or centers can take for addressing these barriers.

Please RSVP to Michelle McCombs at mccombs.75@osu.edu.

CEM to Host Post Doctoral Career Panel

The Center for Emergent Materials is hosting a panel for the OSU STEM Post Doctoral Fellows on Tuesday, November 16 from 3-4PM in E100 Scott Laboratory.  Please see the flyer for additional details.

The panel will consist of two faculty members at the Ohio State University, as well as two local industry representatives.  Topics to be discussed include: strategies for obtaining positions in academia and industry; challenges and expectations of each career path; job opportunities in emerging fields.

Please RSVP to Michelle McCombs at mccombs.75@osu.edu

2010 OSU Materials Week – Spetember 13-15 at the Ohio Union

2010 OSU Materials Week
September 13 – 15, 2010

at the new Ohio Union on OSU’s Columbus campus

This fall, the Institute for Materials Research (IMR) and the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), OSU’s NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), bring you the 3rd annual showcase of materials-allied research at The Ohio State University and beyond. This year’s Materials Week has an exciting, full schedule, with 3 Plenary Sessions, 3 Cross-Cutting Topics Sessions, 5 Technical Sessions, and 2 Student Poster Sessions. Continue reading