2009 Seed Funding Awards

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) is proud to announce the following Seed Project Grants (2009-2010), totaling $123,000 in direct costs:

“Towards Room Temperature Spin-Injection/Detection in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors”
PI: Asst. Prof. Roberto Myers, Department of Materials Science & Engineering

“Multifunctional Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Manipulation”
PI: Asst. Prof. Jessica Winter, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Co-PI: Prof. R. Sooryakumar, Department of Physics

Renewal of “Heterogeneous Magnetic Particles for Force and Torque Sensing: A New Approach for Single Molecule Biology”
PI: Asst. Prof. Michael Poirier, Department of Physics

Renewal of “Microstructured Polymer Nanofibers for Skeletal Muscle Restoration”
PI: Asst. Prof. Yi Zhao, Department of Biomedical Engineering

Please join us in congratulating Profs. Myers, Poirier, and Zhao, and welcoming Profs. Winter and Sooryakumar to the CEM community.

Attention: Research Oriented Undergraduates in Technical Fields

Through its Education and Human Resources Development/Diversity (EHRD/D) program, the OSU Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) will support 9 undergraduates to do CEM related research during the academic year, starting November 1, 2009. The CEM’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program is eager to include women, students from underrepresented groups, and disabled students in this program. A primary goal is to introduce students to modern research.

Students will be expected to work 8 to 10 hours per week during regular class weeks at $10/hour, from November 1 through Spring quarter 2010. Students will be expected to present a poster describing their research at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum toward the end of Spring quarter, 2010. Continue reading

OSU Team Wins NSF MRI Competition

A team of OSU researchers has won an NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award for the acquisition of a hybrid diamond/nitride synthesis cluster tool for studies of wide bandgap semiconductors. The team of researchers spans two colleges and three departments including Physics (Prof. Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, CME, PI on the proposal*; Prof. Fengyuan Yang, CME; Prof. Harris Kagan, HEPX), Electrical and Computer Engineering (Prof. Siddharth Rajan**; Prof. Steven A. Ringel) and Materials Science and Engineering (Prof. Roberto Myers**). This cluster tool will allow for in situ sample transfer of substrates between diamond and nitride growth chambers, giving it the unique capability to grow high quality wide-bandgap semiconducting heterostructures. Continue reading

Congratulations to the CEM student prize winners at the 2009 IMR Materials Week Poster Session

Nearly 100 posters were presented at this year’s IMR Materials Week Poster Session. We congratulate the CEM-affiliated student prize winners:

  • Adam Hauser
    “Magnetic and Structural Properties of Half-Metallic Sr2FeMoO6 Epitaxial Films Fabricated by Ultra-High Vacuum Sputtering”
    (Advisor: Fengyuan Yang)
  • Tengfei Jiang
    “Toward Site Specific Stamping of Graphene”
    (Advisor: Nitin Padture)
  • Donghun Lee
    “STM Studies of an Atomic Scale Gate Electrode Formed by a Single Charged Vacancy in GaAs”
    (Advisor: Jay Gupta)
  • Rebecca Ricciardo
    “Chemical, Magnetic and Orbital Order in the Substituted Double Perovskite Sr(1-x)Ca(x)Mn0.5Ru0.5O3”
    (Advisor: Patrick Woodward)

2009 IMR Materials Week

Dates: Monday, August 31 – Thursday, September 3, 2009

Location: Blackwell Hotel, Columbus, Ohio

This exciting annual event showcased the most recent discoveries and applications in materials research from The Ohio State University and beyond.

This year’s meeting included:

  • Technical workshops and seminars by national experts in a broad range of topics including:
    • Biosensors
    • Computational materials
    • Magnetoelectronics
    • Photovoltaics
  • First year highlights from Ohio State’s NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
  • Student poster presentations featuring work by OSU students in materials-allied fields
  • Evening receptions, including an exclusive viewing of COSI Columbus’ special exhibit “Lost Egypt: Ancient Secrets, Modern Science”