Broadening Participation

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Masters to PhD Bridge Program

The MS to PhD Bridge programOHIO at OSU strives to enhance the diversity of qualified applicants to physics PhD programs. The Bridge program is a two year program for students with a bachelors degree in Physics, or a closely related field, who are motivated to pursue a PhD, but require additional course work, training, and research experience to excel in a PhD program.


LaserResearch Experience for Undergraduates

Since its inception, CEM has continuously run a summer and an academic year Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.  Our summer REU program recruits students from across the country, seeking students from institutions that do not have access to advanced research facilities, for a 10-week authentic research experience.


Scientific Thinkers DSC05471

The Scientific Thinkers program is designed
to be a continual effort at elementary schools in the Columbus area to bring scientists into 1st through 5th grade classrooms. This program strives to help the students enjoy science and gain confidence in their abilities as students and scientific thinkers through a collaborative effort of teachers and OSU students teaching inquiry-based science.


CEM interfaces with Polaris, a partnership between undergraduate and graduate physics students at The Ohio State University dedicated to fostering a more welcoming undergraduate physics experience in the OSU Departments of Physics and Astronomy. It is a student-run organization developed in collaboration between graduates and undergraduates. They focus on augmenting retention of all students in the physics and astronomy BS programs by providing professional and academic mentorship for those groups.



MUSE (Mentoring Undergraduate Scholars for Excellence) is a one-year program which launched in January, 2021. The program fosters a supportive community with leadership opportunities for chemistry and biochemistry scholars. Mentors have successfully completed the general chemistry and organic chemistry course sequence.