The NSF-funded CEM Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program focuses on fundamental and applied science of exotic and novel materials and next-generation electronics that move toward a new generation of low-power-dissipation high-density electronics. Research involves a wide range of projects, from injection and detection of spin-polarized electrons in silicon or graphene to growth and characterization of complex oxide multilayer structures for computer memory applications as well as modeling the behavior of skyrmion magnetic interfaces.
The Summer REU runs in the summer semester and is open to US citizens enrolled in an undergraduate university.
Students will participate in professional development activities focusing on preparing for graduate school and research related careers. They will also participate in peer networking and social activities. Successful REU applicants will be paired with a faculty mentor from a core CEM department (Physics, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemistry) and will perform experimental or computational research projects aligned with CEM focal areas.
Eligibility Requirements
US citizen or permanent resident enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in physics, materials science, chemistry, or electrical/computer engineering.
Contact Michelle Richard (