IRG-1 Seminar: Dr. Arun Paramekanti, “Magnetism and nematicity in (111) oxide 2D electron gases”

September 20, 2017 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Physics Research Building, room 4138

Dr. Arun Paramekanti

Wednesday, September 20th at 2pm in PRB 4138

Magnetism and nematicity in (111) oxide 2D electron gases

Abstract: Recent experiments have begun to explore surface and interface 2D electron gases of (111) oxide heterostructures. Motivated by these experiments, we theoretically examine the many-body instabilities of such 2DEGs driven by multiorbital interactions. We find a rich variety of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders accompanied by ferroorbital order which breaks lattice rotational symmetry. Such ordered phases or their fluctuating variants might lead to electronic nematicity, which might potentially explain the low temperature onset of transport anisotropies observed in certain experiments.