TCO Commercialization Workshop Series Launches January 2015

The OSU Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is offering a workshop series January through August on commercialization for OSU faculty and staff. Each workshop will have experts discussing the topics while referencing a technology from Ohio State that has been commercialized. Come learn about commercialization and what resources are available to aid faculty and staff in that process.

Monthly Topics will include:

  • Introduction to Commercialization Workshop
    (January 20, 27, 29)
  • First Steps of Commercialization Workshop
    (February 17, 24, 26)
  • University Agreements Workshop
    (March 12, 24, 26)
  • Intellectual Property and Patent Analysis Workshop
    (April 21, 28, 30)
  • Engagement of the Inventor Workshop
    (May 21, 26, 28)
  • Licensing Workshop
    (June 16, 23, 25)
  • Funding Startups Workshop
    (July 21, 28, 30)
  • Pitching Your Idea Workshop
    (August 13, 18, 20)

Schedule details and registration can be found on the TCO website.

Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Opens Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open for the 20th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. If you are a CEM undergraduate or currently mentor an undergraduate researcher, please consider submitting an abstract to participate in this prestigious Ohio State tradition.

Abstracts will be accepted through Thursday (2/5) at 5 p.m.

The 2015 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum will be held on Wednesday (3/25) from noon-3 p.m. at the RPAC.

Andrew Heckler Awarded 2015 Impact Grant

Prof. Andrew Heckler, CEM Education and Outreach Director, has been selected Andrew Heckleras a recipient of the 2015 OSU Impact Grant from OSU Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE). Prof. Heckler and his team will extend and improve an online platform that enables introductory physics students to practice fundamental mathematical skills.With 6,000 students piloting and ODEE support, the system will be extended to include additional materials, designed for a better user experience, integrated with other campus systems, and made fully accessible for students with disabilities.

The official announcement is here, and you can learn more about Impact Grants here.

Associate Director Jessica Winter Named 2014 AAAS Fellow

Six faculty among 2014 class of AAAS Fellows
CEM’s own associate director Jessica Winter is one of six Ohio State faculty members to be elected this year as Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as a Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers. Jessica will be welcomed in a ceremony at the AAAS annual meeting in San Jose, California, in February.

Read the full article here.

CEM Receives $17.9 M NSF Grant Renewal

December 8, 2014

It has just been announced that the National Science Foundation (NSF) has renewed funding for Ohio State’s Center for Emergent Materials (CEM): an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC).

The six-year, $17.9 million grant funds Ohio State’s adventurous, long-term studies of forward-looking new materials that are on the very edge of the possible.

“This is not about short-term funding that has clearly-defined achievable goals. Rather, the focus is on adventurous, foundational research that enables far-reaching technologies. Great science is the heart of this funding,” said P. Christopher Hammel, Ohio Eminent Scholar, physics professor and director of the Center for Emergent Materials, NSF MRSEC.

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