2015 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program RFP is Announced

We are pleased to announce the 2015 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program Request for Proposals is now available. This internal seed grant program is open to The Ohio State University materials community and offers two funding tiers, exploratory and multidisciplinary team building, to cover the breadth of materials research at OSU.

Contact OSU_MRSGP@osu.edu with any questions or comments.

2015 Materials Research Seed Grant Program RFP

CEM participates in annual campus-wide outreach event: Breakfast of Science Champions

BOSC 2014

CEM students Yu-Sheng Ou and Andrew Berger demonstrate how a hard drive works to a group of local middle school students.

CEM students, faculty, and staff hosted a group of middle school students on Thursday November 13th for the annual campus-wide outreach event, Breakfast of Science Champions. CEM students ran two demonstrations: the superconducting train and ‘Nanomagnetism: How Does my Hard Drive Work?’ The Nanomagnetism demo was designed and built by CEM students and has been adapted for use at the Boston Museum of Science.