Recommended Courses

Recommended courses for Autumn Semester 2021:

  • Irreversible thermodynamics and transport of charge, heat, and spin (ME8603)
    Instructor: Jos Heremans
    Summary: This course will review the classical mechanisms for the transport of heat, charge and spin by electrons, phonons and magnons. It is structure in the following chapters: 1. The Onsager Relations; 2. Electrons; 3. Phonons; 4. Magnons; 5. Interactions between them; 6. (if time permits): Thermoelectric energy converters. A detailed syllabus with a schedule of the classes is attached. The course is aimed at material scientists, physicists, chemists, mechanical or electrical engineers, and has been taught to a diverse audience repeatedly in the past.
  • Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics (Physics 8820)
    Instructor: Chris Hammel
    Summary: This class will cover experimental methods for studying condensed matter systems.  High sensitivity and spatially resolved measurements will be emphasized and applications to studies of properties of electronic spin and ferromagnetic systems will receive particular attention.   Spin behavior in solids and principles of magnetism will be presented as a foundation for discussions of spin spectroscopy, dynamics, relaxation and damping, particularly as relevant to novel spin transport phenomena.   This will include discussion of basic elements of several widely used techniques for probing condensed matter systems including magnetic resonance, scanned probe microscopy and micromagnetic computations.   The course will emphasize discussions of methods of measuring physical phenomena in condensed matter systems with attention paid to spin and magnetic microscopy using highly sensitive methods such as mechanical and optical detection of magnetic resonance.  We will also discuss experimentation at low temperature and in high magnetic field including approaches for creating the desired experimental environment.

Past Course Offerings:

  • Topological Phenomena in Condensed Matter Physics (Physics 8820)
    Instructor: Yuan-Ming Lu
    Summary: This is an advanced course for graduate students interested in theoretical physics, with a focus on one special topic in modern condensed matter physics: topological phenomena in quantum many-body systems.
  • Introduction to High-Performance Deep Learning (CSE 5194.01)
    Instructor: Prof. Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda and Dr. Hari Subramoni
    Summary: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been fueled by the resurgence of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and various Deep Learning (DL) frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch, MXNet, Caffe, and Chainer. DNNs have found widespread applications in classical areas like Image Recognition, Speech Processing, Textual Analysis, as well as areas like Cancer Detection, Medical Imaging, Physics, Materials Science, and even Autonomous Vehicle systems. However, scaling distributed training with scale-up and scale-out approaches are still challenging. This is leading to the emergence of a new field called “High-Performance Deep Learning”. The objectives of this course are to understand the principles and the practice of this emerging trend, the open set of challenges, how modern HPC technologies can be used to accelerate DL trainings, etc.
  • Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory (MSE 6740)
    Instructor: Frank J. Scheltens
    Summary: Students will develop a basic understanding of scanning electron
    microscopy characterization methods, as well as an understanding of
    sample preparation and compatibility, various imaging modes and
    analytical techniques. Upon completion of this course, students will have
    the ability to operate a scanning electron microscope at an elementary skill
    level. The course will take place on  Wednesdays form 10:00am-12:00pm at The Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis (CEMAS).
  • Introduction to Spintronics and Nanoscale Magnetism (Physics 8820)
    Instructor: Roland Kawakami
    Summary: This course will help students efficiently learn about basic concepts and recent research in spintronics and magnetism. The topics covered include basics of magnetism, vertical and lateral spin transport devices, electron spin dynamics, spin-orbit coupling and spin relaxation, 2D materials, 2D magnetism, spin proximity effects, Berry curvature and topological phenomena (spin Hall, anomalous Hall, quantum spin Hall, quantum anomalous Hall, etc), spin-torque and magnetization dynamics, and skyrmions. The course will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:35-10:55am.
  • Condensed Matter Physics II (Physics 8806.02)
    Instructor: Mohit Randeria
    Summary: This is the second part of a two-semester graduate-level introduction
    to CMP aimed at both experimentalists and theorists.Topics include Berry phase effect in solids; Integar quantum Hall effect; Topological Insulators and semimetals; Interacting electrons; Magnetism; and Superconductivity. The class will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:35 – 10:55 am, in Smith Lab 1064.
  • Advanced Statistical Mechanics (Physics 7603)
    Instructor: Nandini Trivedi
    Prerequisites: Graduate level physics core courses.
    Summary: The course should be relevant to all physicists, theorists and experimentalists. It will include an introduction to analytical and numerical methods, and connections to experiments for each topic.
  • Professional Development for Graduate Students (Physics 7891)
    Instructor: P. Chris Hammel
    Summary: This course is being offered to graduate students to improve professional development skills. Students will tailor their resume/CV for their career, learn strategies to network effectively, practice interviewing, and receive 50 business cards and a padfolio. It will be offered on Thursdays from 10:30-11:30am.
    A tentative course syllabus can be viewed here.
  • Condensed Matter Physics I (Physics 8806.01)
    Instructor: Mohit Randeria
    Summary: This class is the first in a two-semester graduate-level introduction to
    condensed matter physics (CMP) aimed at both experimentalists and theorists. Topics will include Overview of condensed matter physics; Crystal structures and reciprocal space; Lattice vibrations, phonons; Electronic band structure, metals and insulators; Semiclassical transport; Semiconductors; and Berry phase effects in solids. The class will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:35-10:55am in Smith Lab 2186.
  • Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy Laboratory (MSE 6193.01)
    Instructor: Frank Scheltens
    Summary: Students will develop a basic understanding of scanning electron
    microscopy characterization methods, as well as an understanding of
    sample preparation and compatibility, various imaging modes and
    analytical techniques. Upon completion of this course, students will have
    the ability to operate a scanning electron microscope at an elementary skill
    Syllabus attached here.
  • Irreversible thermodynamics and transport of charge, heat, and spin (ME 8603)
    Instructor: Jos Heremans
    Summary: This course will cover a range of topics in relation to classical transport theory and transport measurements, including: Irreversible Thermodynamics; Electrons; Phonons; Magnons; Interactive effects and advection; and Applications: solid-state thermal energy conversion. Any graduate student interested in these topics is encouraged to sign up.
    Syllabus attached here.
  • Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (8806)
    Instructor: Yuan-Ming Lu
    Summary: This is the second part (fall 2018 portion not required to take this) of an introduction to condensed matter physics course. Three main topics, Magentism, Superconductivity, and Mesoscopic Physics, will be covered. This is aimed mainly at graduate students (theory/experiment) interested in condensed matter physics, but students from all research specialties are welcome.
    Syllabus attached here.
  • Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (PHYS 6806)
    Instructor: Rolando Valdés Aguilar
    Summary: This course provides an introduction to the vast field of condensed matter physics. The goal is to be able to appreciate current research and obtain a basic understanding of the underpinnings of modern technology.
    Syllabus attached here.
  • Quantum Many-Body Theory (Phsyics 8820)
    Instructor: Mohit Randeria
    Summary: In this one-semester course on non-relativistic quantum many-body theory with applications to condensed matter physics, students will learn: the language and formalism for analyzing and understanding interacting quantum many-particle systems; examples illustrating the use of these techniques for solving concrete problems; the relation of Green’s functions and correlation functions to experiments like ARPES, STM, transport, optical spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scattering; and ideas of broken symmetry, and introduction to topological invariants and topological order.
  • Practical Scanning Microscopy (MATSCEN 6193.01)
    Summary: Designed to introduce students to basic operation techniques of the Scanning Electron Microscopy, students will learn the capabilities on an SEM, the types of samples compatible with SEM analysis, hopw to prepare samples for SEM investigation, how to obtain equality images from various types of specimens, and how to overcome some of the issues encountered while analyzing specimens. Completion of this course with a passing grade will allow users access to reserve respective CEMAS equipment after demonstrating practical understanding of operation and techniques.The syllabus can be viewed on CEMAS’ website.
  • Practical Transmission Electron Microscopy Lab (MATSCEN 6741)
    Summary:  The object of this course is to teach students practical aspects of TEM operation. There will be a lecture/demonstration and a 3 hour laboratory per week. Topics will include: Operation and alignment of the TEM; Calibration of and the TEM; Electron Diffraction; Bright Field, Dark Field, and STEM imaging; and X-ray analysis in the TEM. The syllabus can be viewed on CEMAS’ website
  • Magnetic Materials (Autumn 2018)
    (MSE 6778)
    Instructor: Roberto Myers
    Summary:This course teaches the basic properties of magnetic materials in a wide class of materials including metals, insulators, semiconductors. The structure, composition, processing, and properties relationships for magnetic materials will be reviewed with a special focus on the atomic origins of magnetism and the ability to engineer these mechanisms through alloying or doping, or layered structures. The course will cover theoretical understanding of types of magnetism (dia, para, ferro, anti, ferri), anisotropy, domain structure, and domain wall dynamics. Additionally, the functional properties of magnetic materials will be covered including the effect of magnetic properties on the electronic band structure, magnon (spin-wave) transport, and spin caloritronics. The course focuses heavily on training students to critically read current scientific literature, discuss it with colleagues, communicate those results in a conference-style, and critically analyze a sub-field of research.
  • Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy (Autumn 2018)
    (MSE 6193.01 sec 7845)
    Instructor: Jonathan Orsborn/Frank Scheltens/David McComb
    Summary: This course will teach the students basic operation techniques of the Scanning Electron Microscope. At the end of the course, students with no background in electron microscopy should have a cursory understanding of 1) the capabilities of an SEM, 2) the types of samples compatible with SEM analysis, 3) how to prepare samples for SEM investigation, 4) how to obtain quality images from various types of specimens, and 5) how to overcome some of the issues encountered while analyzing specimens. Completion of this course will allow future SEM training sessions to focus on proper analysis of the students’ samples, as opposed to basic microscope operation.
  • Irreversible Thermodynamics and Transport of Charge, Heat, and Spin
    (ME 8603)
    Instructor: Joseph P. Heremans
    Summary: Ohm’s, Fourier and Fick’s laws, which relate linearly the transport of electrical charge, heat and matter to voltages, temperatures and concentrations gradients, are generalized in the framework of irreversible thermodynamics. The microscopic mechanisms of transport of heat, electrical charge and magnetization by elemental excitations (electrons, phonons and magnons) are explained.
  • Experimental Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics
    (PHY 8820)
    Instructor: Chris Hammel
    Summary: This class covered experimental methods for studying condensed matter systems. High sensitivity and spatially resolved measurements were emphasized and applications to studies of properties of electronic spin and ferromagnetic systems received particular attention. Spin behavior in solids and principles of magnetism were presented as a foundation for discussions of spin spectroscopy, dynamics, relaxation and damping, particularly as relevant to novel spin transport phenomena. This included discussion of basic elements of several widely used techniques for probing condensed matter systems including magnetic resonance, scanned probe microscopy and micromagnetic computations. The course emphasized discussions of methods of measuring physical phenomena in condensed matter systems with attention paid to achieving microscopic spatially resolved data using highly sensitive methods such as mechanical and optical detection of magnetic resonance. It also covered experimentation at low temperature and in high magnetic field including approaches for creating the desired experimental environment.
  • MATSCENG 6193.02
    Instructor: Roberto Myers
    Summary: Fundamental magnetic properties, atomic origins of magnetism, theories of magnetism, domain structure, anisotropy, magnons – spin waves, magnetotransport, and spin caloritronics.
  • Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
    (Chemistry 7160)
    Instructor: Philip Grandinetti
    Summary: This course is an introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance for students who seek expertise in the fundamentals of nuclear magnetic resonance. Lectures cover theory, instrumentation, and applications in the physical sciences, engineering, and health-related fields.
  • Condensed Matter Physics (PHY 6806)
    Instructor: Rolando Valdés Aguilar
    Summary: This intensive course will provide an introduction into the vast field of condensed matter physics. It will cover traditional and modern aspects of the field by using both theoretical and experimental descriptions. The goal is to be able to understand at a basic level the current research papers, and also to appreciate at the phenomenological level, the importance of condensed matter research in modern technology.
  • Introduction to Spintronics and Nanoscale Magnetism (PHY 8820)
    Instructor: Roland Kawakami
    Summary: This course is aimed at students of experimental condensed matter physics, materials science, and electrical engineering who want to learn about modern topics in spintronics and nanoscale magnetism. The class will discuss recent experimental results and work through the rudimentary theoretical framework to develop a working knowledge of the field.
  • Special Topics—Computational Many Body Theory (PHY 8820)
    Instructor: Nandini Trivedi
    Summary: The objective of this course is to give an integrated view of Interacting Models, Experiments and Theoretical Models, where students are expected to be active participants throughout the course.
  • Principles of Wide-Bandgap Devices (ECE 694.05)
    Instructor: Siddharth Rajan
    Electronic and optoelectronic devices based on Gallium Nitride and its alloys are among the most exciting topics for research and new technology in the semiconductor community. The objective of this class is to introduce students to the advanced solid-state physics and device engineering principles used for the latest wide-bandgap semiconductor devices. At the end of this class, students will have the tools necessary to design and engineer new devices and structures based on III-Nitridesemiconductors. We will focus on III-Nitride devices during this quarter’s offering, though the course is relevant to other semiconductors such as GaAs, InP, ZnO etc.
  • Experimental Magnetism (Phy 880A20)
    Instructor: Chris Hammel
    This course will present experimental aspects of magnetism, with a focus on techniques and tools for measuring, characterizing and imaging magnetic properties of materials.Topics will include: Origins and fundamentals of magnetism; magnetic states of condensed matter including paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism; magnetic imaging and characterization techniques such as scanned probe microscopy, optical imaging and various types of magnetometry; magnetic resonance techniques: spectroscopy, spin dynamics and magnetic resonance imaging; topics in contemporary magnetism
  • Condensed Matter Physics II (Phy 880.06)
    Instructor:    Prof. Nandini Trivedi
    Condensed Matter Physics is a three-quarter sequence of graduate-level courses taught from a modern perspective. I will emphasize how in a system of many interacting particles new phases of matter emerge, their spontaneously broken symmetries, collective modes and phase transitions.
  • Solid State Chemistry (Chem 754)
    Instructor: Prof. Patrick Woodward
    This course covers the basics of structure, bonding and properties of functional inorganic solids.  It is accessible to students from a range of disciplines.  Although some knowledge of upper undergraduate level inorganic chemistry is useful, basic knowledge of 1st year chemistry is the only prerequisite.
  • Bio/Nanotechnology & Biomimetics (ME 837)
    Instructor: Bharat Bhushan
    This course will provide a basic working knowledge of bio- & nanotechnology and biomimetics. It will start with an Introduction to Bio- & Nanotechnology followed by an Introduction to Nanocharacterization Techniques, Principles of Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, Nanotribology and Nanomechanics of MEMS/NEMS and BioMEMS/BioNEMS Materials and Devices and ends with an overview and research examples of Biomimetics.
  • Surfaces and Interfaces of Electronic Materials (Physics 880.J20 or ECE 736)
    Instructor: Leonard J. Brillson