Heremans Elected to National Academy of Inventors 2024

The newest NAI fellows from Ohio State are Joseph Heremans, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and an Ohio Eminent Scholar in Nanotechnology, and two retired professors: 2023 Nobel Laureate Pierre Agostini, professor emeritus of physics, and Longya Xu, who recently retired as professor of electrical and computer engineering after more than 30 years on the faculty.

The NAI Fellowship is the highest professional distinction awarded solely to inventors. The 2024 class comprises 170 researchers from 135 research universities, governmental and nonprofit research institutions worldwide. This year’s selection of Heremans, Agostini and Xu brings the number of Ohio State NAI fellows to 21.

Read more here.

CEM and CSULB Awarded NSF PREM Funding

The Center for Emergent Materials and California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) will embark together on a program to expand participation and access to materials science facilities, education, training and careers. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) awards are intended to broaden access to skills and opportunities by supporting strategic partnerships between minority-serving institutions and NSF-funded research centers at research-intensive institutions.

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OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program – 2024 Award Announcement

We are pleased to announce that after a thorough internal and external review process, 2 Exploratory Materials Research Grants (EMRGs), 3 Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants (MTBGs), and 2 Proto-IRG Grants have been selected to fund exceptionally promising, innovative materials research on campus.

The OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program (MRSGP) provides internal research funding opportunities designed to achieve the greatest impact for seeding and advancing excellence in materials research of varying scopes. It is jointly funded and managed by the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), an NSF MRSEC [NSF DMR-2011876], the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR). Congratulations to this year’s awardees!

EMRGs – ($50,000 each) enable nascent and innovative materials research to emerge to the point of being competitive for external funding:

  • “In situ resource utilization with parallel extraction and additive manufacturing of lunar regolith for aluminum alloys”
    PI: Sarah Wolff, Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with a joint appointment in Integrated Systems Engineering
    Co-PI: Alan Luo, Donald D. Glower Chair in Engineering, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, with a joint appointment in Integrated Systems Engineering
  • “Phase-field modeling of morphology evolution at anode/electrolyte interfaces of Li-metal-based all-solid-state batteries”
    PI: Yanzhou Ji, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Co-PI: Jung Hyun Kim, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

MTBGSs – ($70,000 each) forming multidisciplinary materials research teams that can compete effectively for federal block-funding opportunities, such as the NSF MRSEC program:

  • “Development of Metallic Alloy Anodes for Solid-State Batteries”
    PI: Jung Hyun Kim, Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Co-PI: Alan Luo, Donald D. Glower Chair in Engineering, Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, with a joint appointment in Integrated Systems Engineering
  • “Exploring Zeolite Solide State Electrolytes for Potassium Batteries”
    PI: Yiying Wu, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Co-PI: Nicholas Brunelli, Professor & Ervin G. Bailey Chair in Energy Conversion, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  • “Quantum Twist Microscope”
    PI: Marc Bockrath, Professor, Physics
    Co-PI: Jay Gupta, Professor, Physics

Proto-IRGs – ($100,000 each) forming multidisciplinary materials research teams that can compete effectively for federal block-funding opportunities, such as the NSF MRSEC program:

  • “Transducing conformational dynamics across scales”
    PI: Carlos Castro, Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Co-PI: Ralf Bundschuh, Professor, Physics
    Co-PI: Michael Poirier, Professor, Physics
  • “Superconductivity at the Nexus of Magnetism and Ferroelectricity for Quantum Applications”
    PI: Salva Salmani-Rezaie, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Co-PI: Kaveh Ahadi, Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Co-PI: Jeanie Lau, Professor, Physics
    Co-PI: Nandini Trivedi, Professor, Physics