CEM Researchers Awarded NSF iSuperSeed2

Ohio State researchers have been awarded a prestigious iSuperSeed2 award to explore new materials for the future of quantum information systems by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The iSuperSeed2 grant, awarded as a supplement to the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) at Ohio State, an NSF Materials Research in Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC), was the single award granted in the area of quantum information.

Professors Daniel Gauthier, Jay Gupta, Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, and Roland Kawakami in the Department of Physics are collaborating with Prof. Michael Flatté at the University of Iowa on the project, bringing together researchers with expertise in 2D materials (IRG-2: Gupta, Kawakami), spin and magnetism (IRG-3: Flatté, Johnston-Halperin), and quantum measurement (Gauthier). In addition, collaborations outside the iSuperSeed2 team include recent Discovery Theme hires Profs. Chun Ning “Jeanie” Lau (Physics) and Marc Bockrath (Physics).

The program focuses on using the weak interactions between mechanically stacked materials, known as van der Waals bonds, to develop a universal approach to quantum transduction (the transfer of quantum information between two different materials). This van der Waals bonding is commonly found in 2D materials such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), leading to the creating of “van der Waals heterostructures” where single to few layers of 2D crystal can be mechanically stacked to fine tune layer-to-layer coupling.

As a result, van der Waals bonds allow for a “Goldilocks” level of interaction between two materials, where the quantum interactions are neither too weak nor too strong, and are present in materials ranging from insulators, to conductors, to magnets, to superconductors. Ohio State researchers plan to exploit this flexibility to explore a wide variety of materials for applications in future quantum-based technologies.

Route to Renewal: 2018 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program Request PROTO-IRG Proposals

The renewal process for CEM has begun and we are pleased to announce the 2018 OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program (MRSGP) Request for Proposals, which is open to The Ohio State University materials community. The Center is seeking new teams to compete as part of the renewal proposal to NSF in the 2020-2026 cycle. The first step is nucleating seed teams in the OSU MRSGP. More information about CEM’s seed program and historical projects is available here, or contact CEM Director Chris Hammel with questions.

2018 Materials Research Seed Grant Program RFP
***LOI has been extended to January 15th, 2018 at 5pm***


  • Seed Grant Program Panel Discussion: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 (4:15 – 5:15 PM, room 4138 Physics Research Building)
  • MRSEC meeting to prepare for renewal, Wednesday, January 10, 2018 (4:00 – 5:00 PM, room 4138 Physics Research Building)
  • Letters of Intent: January 15th, 2018 at 5pm
  • Proto-IRG and MTBG Team Mandatory Presentations, 4:15-5:15 in PRB 4138
    • Feb. 14
      • Proto-IRG presentations
        Prof. Jessica Winter (Biomedical Engineering) “Close-Range Inter-nanoparticle Interactions Enabled Through Self-Assembly”
        Prof. Jinwoo Hwang (MSE) “Structure, Defects and Emergent Properties at Magnetic Interfaces”
    • Feb. 21
      • MTBG presentation
        Prof. Erin McKie (Management Sciences) “Reducing Energy Use with Real-Time Feedback”
      • Proto-IRG presentations
        Prof. Daniel Gauthier (Physics) “Developing point defects in materials for application in quantum information science”
        Prof. Yiying Wu (Chem and Biochem) “Anionic Functional Materials”
    • Feb. 28
      • MTBG presentations
        Prof. Jung Hyun Kim (MAE) “Sulfide-Based Lithium Superionic Conductors (LISICON) for All Solid-State Energy Storage Device”
        Prof. Rolando Valdes Aguilar (Physics) “Topological Properties of Magnons.”
        Prof. Randall Mathison (MAE) “Additively Manufactured Gas Turbine Engine”
    • March 14
      • MTBG presentation
        Prof. William Marras (Integrated Systems Engineering, Orthopaedics, Neurological Surgery, Physical Medicine & Rehab) “Additively Manufactured Spinal Implants”
        Prof. Hongping Zhao (ECE) “MOCVD Growth and Material Properties of Earth Abundant Semiconducting ZnSnN”
  • Proposals: March 19, 2018 at 5pm

More information on the seed program here.