Roland Kawakami named American Physical Society Fellow

The CEM congratulates Professor Picture for kawakami.15Roland Kawakami (IRG-2)  for his Fellow nomination in the American Physical Society. Kawakami was nominated by the Topical Group on Magnetism (GMAG), “For pioneering advances in understanding the magnetic properties of graphene, including mechanisms of spin lifetime and spin transport, and the role of adatoms in magnetic moment formation.”

Trivedi receives Simons Fellowship

CEM Faculty_ TrivediNandini Trivedi, co-lead for IRG-1 and professor of theoretical physics, was recently awarded a 2015 Simons Fellowship for Theoretical Physics from the Simons Foundation. The Simons Fellows Programs in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics provide funds to faculty for up to a semester long research sabbatical. Such sabbaticals enable collaboration with scientists from other institutions and help make research goals a reality.