OSAA Fellows and Mentors Explore Materials Research at CEM (February 19, 2010)

The CEM introduced cutting-edge materials research to participants in the first mentoring event of 2010 for Ohio’s STEM Ability Alliance (OSAA), an NSF-funded Alliance for Students with Disabilities in STEM that works to increase the number of students with disabilities that complete STEM degrees. CEM Fellows Mike Hinton (Physics), Alex Holcomb (Materials Science and Engineering), and Trish Meyer (Chemistry) gave 14 undergraduate OSAA fellows and their mentors a first-hand view of pulsed laser deposition of thin films and shared the potential applications of IRG-2’s research into double perovskite interfaces and heterostructures.

February 19th Workshop: Exploring the formation, composition, structure, and operation of NSF MRSEC IRGs.

The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), the OSU-based National Science Foundation (NSF) Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), recently announced a new funding opportunity: Proto-IRG (Interdisciplinary Research Group) Seed Grants. Propsective applicants are encouraged to attend a workshop exploring the formation, composition, structure, and operation of NSF MRSEC IRGs.

Friday, February 19, 4-5 pm
4138 Physics Research Building, 191 West Woodruff Ave

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Please join us for a CEM Special Seminar – Dr. Satischandra B. Ogale

Dr. Satish B. Ogale, a distinguished scientist from the National Chemical Laboratory in Pune India, will be visiting the CEM, December 7th through 10th. He will present a seminar titled “Oxide-Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors and Defect Ferromagnetism” on Tuesday, December 8th, 4 PM, PRB Smith Seminar Room. Please click here for a flyer with an abstract and bio.  Satish will be available to speak one-on-one, or to a group, during his stay at CEM.  Please contact the CEM office (inquiries@cem.osu.edu) for more information.

CEM Hosts Women in Engineering Outreach Event

wie1smallCEM shared its transformational research and world-class facilities during the College of Engineering’s Women in Engineering (WiE) “Change the World: WiE Are the Future” program on November 14, 2008. Nine girls (grades 10-12) from Ohio and Michigan attended the event. The girls observed thin film growth by pulsed laser deposition and had the opportunity to operate an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer while touring laboratories on campus. At the Campus Electron Optics Facility, the students witnessed the Titan 3 scanning/transmission electron microscope and Nova-600 dual-beam focused ion beam in action. Participants were also given a “hands-on” opportunity to drive a Sirion high-resolution field-emission gun scanning electron microscope.

CEM Hosts Breakfast of Science Champions Outreach Event

Over 350 Ohio eighth graders explored science, math, and engineering at Ohio State during the Breakfast of Science Champions held on November 5, 2008. CEM faculty, staff, and graduate students hosted 20 students for a morning full of materials science activities focused on shape memory alloys, liquid nitrogen, and magnetism. Activities also included a superconducting model train.

The CEM plans to host another breakfast in February 2009 and students will return again to campus in May to present reports on their learning activities throughout the year.