TCO Commercialization Workshop Series Launches January 2015

The OSU Technology Commercialization Office (TCO) is offering a workshop series January through August on commercialization for OSU faculty and staff. Each workshop will have experts discussing the topics while referencing a technology from Ohio State that has been commercialized. Come learn about commercialization and what resources are available to aid faculty and staff in that process.

Monthly Topics will include:

  • Introduction to Commercialization Workshop
    (January 20, 27, 29)
  • First Steps of Commercialization Workshop
    (February 17, 24, 26)
  • University Agreements Workshop
    (March 12, 24, 26)
  • Intellectual Property and Patent Analysis Workshop
    (April 21, 28, 30)
  • Engagement of the Inventor Workshop
    (May 21, 26, 28)
  • Licensing Workshop
    (June 16, 23, 25)
  • Funding Startups Workshop
    (July 21, 28, 30)
  • Pitching Your Idea Workshop
    (August 13, 18, 20)

Schedule details and registration can be found on the TCO website.

Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Opens Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open for the 20th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. If you are a CEM undergraduate or currently mentor an undergraduate researcher, please consider submitting an abstract to participate in this prestigious Ohio State tradition.

Abstracts will be accepted through Thursday (2/5) at 5 p.m.

The 2015 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum will be held on Wednesday (3/25) from noon-3 p.m. at the RPAC.

NSL Acquires Origin Pro 9.1 Licenses for User Purchase

NanoSystems Laboratory (NSL)  has acquired a site license for Origin Pro 9.1. It is a one year subscription for 100 concurrent instances of the program. Origin Pro can be installed on any computer, OSU owned or private that is connected to the OSU network, as long as the user is the current OSU student, staff or faculty. Once the program has been installed in the computer, users will need to acquire the license key for each session of software use. The price of the license for one computer is $87.50/year, which will be prorated to reflect purchases made later in the year. Purchases can be made via eRequest to NanoSystems Laboratory for the desired number of licenses, and should contain the list of MAC addresses of the computers on which the software will be installed. Once the eRequest is approved, NSL will issue instructions on how to access the license server. Installation of the program can be done via installation media that can be borrowed from NSL service desk.

Contact NSL program assistant Asnika Bajracharya ( with any questions.

Emily Lakdawalla: “Speak Your Science- How to Give a Better Presentation”

In September, Emily Lakdwalla from The Planetary Society visited OSU and gave a talk on giving better presentations, scientific or otherwise. If you were unable to attend the colloquium her full presentation is now available on YouTube. For more information about Emily and her work, please visit The Planetary Society website.

Abstract: Bad presentation often gets in the way of great science. Professional meetings are an opportunity for scientists to communicate with potential collaborators, employers, or funders about their exciting work. Unfortunately, many people squander their opportunities in the spotlight by delivering confusing, boring, or just plain bad presentations. I’ll provide guidelines on how to prepare a conference talk that will educate and perhaps even entertain, whether your audience is one of skeptical peers or the general public. Much of the advice also applies to writing about your science.

Speak Your Science- How to Give a Better Presentation