CEM Kicks Off 2015 Science Sunday Lecture Series, Hosts Dr. Jeff Childress (HGST)

Science Sundays, a free lecture series open to the public, provides a wide range of current and emerging topics and issues in science that touch our everyday lives. Speakers are experts in their fields from on campus and around the world with experience in making their topics interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages, with or without a science background.

CEM kicked off this year’s program by hosting Dr. Jeff Childress, Research Director at HGST (a Western Digital company in San Jose, California). His talk, “Science and technology of data storage,” was widely attended at the Ohio Union and well-received. Childress articulated the needs and mechanics of data storage throughout our information age with hands-on hard drives, meaningful analogies and visual aids, history, humor, and science. The Science Sundays schedule is available at http://artsandsciences.osu.edu/research/science-sundays

2015 Seed Grants Awarded

We are pleased to announce that after a thorough internal and external review process, 9 awards have been made to fund innovative and exciting materials research on campus through the OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program.  These awards total $420,000 in internal research funding to 15 OSU researchers in 5 departments. The program was able to fund 47% of the proposals submitted this year; 9 out of a total 19.

Congratulations to the nine research teams whose projects were selected this year for seed grant funding.

2015 Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants

Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants form multidisciplinary materials research teams that can compete effectively for federal block-funding opportunities.  Three Multidisciplinary Team Building Grants were awarded this year:

  • DNA devices for probing nanoscale physics of fluids
    • Prof. Carlos Castro, Prof. Michael Poirier, Prof. Shaurya Prakash, Prof. Soheil Soghrati
  • Studies of dopant dynamics using microscopy at atomic length and femtosecond time scales
    • Prof. Jay Gupta, Prof. Enam Chowdhury
  • Skyrmions in Low-Dimensional Chiral Magnets
    • Prof. Mohit Randeria, Prof. Roland Kawakami, Dr. Sarah Dunsiger

2015 Exploratory Materials Research Grants

Exploratory Materials Research Grants enable nascent materials research to emerge to the point of being competitive for external funding.  Six Exploratory Materials Research Grants were awarded this year:

  • Investigating Crystallization Mechanisms of Microporous Materials Using Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry
    • Prof. Nicholas Brunelli
  • First-principles study of dislocation core structures and properties in multi-principal-element alloys
    • Prof. Maryam Ghazisaeidi
  • Direct Imaging of Atomic Scale Electromagnetic Fields in Functional Materials
    • Prof. Jinwoo Hwang
  • Developing electrodes for hydrogen production based on robust biological catalysts
    • Prof. Hannah Shafaat
  • Exploration of the Anomalous Hall Effect at Terahertz Frequencies
    • Prof. Valdés Aguilar
  • Development of Epitaxial Film Growth of Group V-VI Topological Insulators by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
    • Prof. Fengyuan Yang

About the OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program

The OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program provides internal research funding opportunities through two distinct Funding Tiers designed to achieve the greatest impact for seeding and advancing excellence in materials research of varying scopes.  The OSU Materials Research Seed Grant Program is jointly funded and managed by the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM), the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials Research (IMR).

Kawakami to Host Mini-Workshop: Spin Pumping in Magnetic Heterostructures

Thursday, June 4th from 10:00am – 2:30pm, CEM’s Prof. Roland Kawakami will host a mini-workshop on Spin Pumping in Magnetic Heterostructures. It will feature talks by external speakers Paul Crowell and Michael Flatte, in addition to talks from OSU speakers Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Fengyuan Yang, and Chris Hammel.  The workshop will take place in the Smith Seminar Room, 1080 PRB. A link to the schedule is included here. Questions should be directed to Jamie Mollison (administrator) or host Roland Kawakami.