Stiner-Jones Completes ELATES Program

Congratulations to La’Tonia Stiner-Jones for completing the “Executive Leadership in Academic Technology Engineering and Sciences” program. The program is designed to prepare women faculty for executive leadership roles. The 11-month program includes a number of assignments, readings, and group projects. All participants were required to complete an Institutional Action Project of benefit to their college, department, and/or the university.

Baker Wins 2021 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award

Spectroscopy has named Robert Baker, associate professor at The Ohio State University, the winner of the 2021 Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award. Awarded annually since 2017, it recognizes the achievements and aspirations of a talented young atomic spectroscopist, selected by an independent scientific committee.

“Robert Baker is a brilliant young scientist and embodies the values and qualities we look for when selecting the Emerging Leader in Atomic Spectroscopy Award winner,” said Mike Hennessy Jr., president and CEO of MJH Life Sciences™, parent company of Spectroscopy®. “His extensive background in the fields of physical chemistry, surface science, catalysis and spectroscopy make him truly deserving of this noteworthy award.”

The award will be presented to Baker on Feb. 24 at the Spectroscopy® Virtual Symposium, ‘Atomic Spectroscopy in Practice,’ where he will give a plenary lecture.

Read the full press release here.

2022 Materials Research Seed Grant Program Awardees

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 Seed Grant Program Awards:

1. “Optical-electrical coupling behavior in semiconductor nanomembranes”
PI: Jinghua Li; Department of Materials Science and Engineering

2. “High-throughput Synthesis of Microstructurally and Compositionally Complex High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) Using Additive Manufacturing”
PI: Aeriel Murphy-Leonard; Department of Materials Science and Engineering

3. “Vanadium-substituted proteins as molecular qubits”
PI: Hannah Shafaat; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

4. “Effect of Polymer Chain Sequence and Architecture on Phase Behavior and Thermomechanical Response of Liquid Crystalline Copolymers Consisting of Oblate and Prolate Liquid Crystal Monomers”
PI: Xiaoguang Wang; Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Co-PI: Lisa Hall; Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

1. “Functional Materials Interfaces for High-Energy Cathodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries”
PI: Jung-Hyun Kim
Co-PI: Jinwoo Hwang; Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering

2. “In situ Electrical Control of Band Gaps of 2D Semiconductors”
PI: Jeanie Lau
Co-PI: Wolfgang Windl; Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering
Co-PI: Roberto Myers; Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering

3. “Designing Chiral Halide Perovskites for Chirality-Induced Spin Selectivity”
PI: Yiying Wu
Co-PI: Robert Baker; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

2022 Workshop: Topological Electrons

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce an in-person conference, “Topological Quantum Electrons Interacting In-person”, to be held in beautiful Quy Nhon, Vietnam from July 10-16, 2022.

The conference will be preceded by a 1-day summer school for students, postdocs, and other junior participants at the conference location (ICISE) on Sunday, July 10th.

A list of confirmed speakers and other information is available on the various tabs of the website above.  Some registered participants will also be chosen to give talks.

We would appreciate it if you could distribute this email and the attached flyer as broadly as possible to those in your research circle, department, and institute who may have an interest in this conference.

Registration, lodging details, and logistical information are on the link above and in the attached flyer: Conference_flyer_2022

We hope to see many of you and your group members in Quy Nhon this July!

Sincerely yours,

Nurit Avraham

Greg Fiete

Ady Stern

Tran Minh Tien

Jean Tran Thanh Van

2022 Workshop: Spin Caloritronics XI

Dear Colleagues:

We are happy to notify you that the Spin Caloritronics XI abstract submission and registration are now open. This workshop is the 11th in a series of international conferences on the interplay of magnetism, spin dynamics, lattice vibrations, electronic excitations, temperature, and heat. Spin Caloritronics XI will be held on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana, IL, USA from May 23 to 27, 2022, with a meet-and-greet on the evening of Sunday, May 22. The conference program will include invited presentations by leaders of the field and contributed talks and poster sessions. You can find further information about the venue, lodging, and transportation at

The website is now updated with a list of invited speakers, as well as abstract submission and conference registration information.

Abstract Submission:  On the abstract submission page, you will find a word document abstract template to be used for abstracts. These should be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Pamela Pena Martin ( Please see the website for more information.

Registration:  All attendees must also register for the conference as well. Please fill out the registration form on the registration page of the website. On this form, there is a field to indicate your preference for a contributed talk or poster (Note: Invited Speakers were sent a separate registration form by e-mail).

   Abstract Submission and Registration Deadline:  April 1, 2022  11:59pm CDT

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Urbana in May 2022!

Best regards,

Axel Hoffmann and David Cahill

Pamela Pena Martin, Outreach Coordinator

Illinois Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, I-MRSEC
Twitter: @IllinoisMRSEC
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2009 Materials Research Laboratory
104 S. Goodwin Ave. Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 300-6699