CEM Internship Opportunities: HGST, Lake Shore, Traycer

The Center for Emergent Materials: an NSF MRSEC is facilitating matches between potential internship opportunities and our industry partners. These internships could take place any term, but most likely would occur over the summer term and are open to undergraduate and graduate students. The three potential partners include: HGST, Lake Shore Cryotronics, and Traycer (details below). Interested CEM students should forward resumes or CVs to Associate Director Jessica Winter (winter.63@osu.edu).

  • HGST-  An unmatched reputation for product quality and reliability; offering award-winning enterprise optimization software and a broad portfolio of innovative, high-quality hard disk and solid state drives that store, manage and protect the world’s data. Our intelligent storage solutions are trusted by enterprises, Internet companies, consumers and creative professionals to store and manage their data efficiently and securely.
  • Lake Shore Cryotronics- Leading researchers around the world trust Lake Shore for measurement and control solutions that drive the discovery and development of new materials for tomorrow’s technologies. In electronics, clean energy, nanotechnology, and many other applications, Lake Shore provides the products and systems needed for precise measurements over a broad range of temperature and magnetic field conditions.
  • Traycer- Despite a plethora of applications having been demonstrated in the laboratory environment in the Terahertz (THz) region of light, only incremental adoption of such technology has found its way to the commercial marketplace. Innovative technology is required to fully exploit THz light and create a thriving THz industry. Our team is dedicated to providing unique solutions to realize THz applications in non-contact, non-destructive quality control, and providing images of materials not visible to the naked eye.

CEM Assoc. Director Winter Featured: Professor survives cancer, searches for solutions

CEM Associate Director, Dr. Jessica Winter, was recently featured Ohio State University’s paper, The Lantern, as a survivor and researcher for breast cancer.

“You might be working on a very important problem, but if all you ever do is publish papers that the same 10 people read and argued about, are you really helping cancer patients?” Winter said. “My paper does not translate into any product that’s helping anyone — there is a gap between the information we have and how it can be used in a therapeutic way. So I’m saying let’s bridge the gap.”

Read the article in its entirety, “Professor survives cancer, searches for solutions.”

Roland Kawakami named American Physical Society Fellow

The CEM congratulates Professor Picture for kawakami.15Roland Kawakami (IRG-2)  for his Fellow nomination in the American Physical Society. Kawakami was nominated by the Topical Group on Magnetism (GMAG), “For pioneering advances in understanding the magnetic properties of graphene, including mechanisms of spin lifetime and spin transport, and the role of adatoms in magnetic moment formation.”

CEM and New Mexico Highlands Awarded PREM Funding from NSF

CEM and New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) were recently awarded a Partnership for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) grant from the NSF. Prof. Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin (IRG-2) is the co-PI. The objective of the PREM program is to broaden participation and enhance diversity in materials research and education by stimulating the development of long-term, multi-investigator research and education partnerships between minority-serving colleges/universities and NSF materials-related centers and facilities.

As part of the PREM, two new materials science courses will be designed at NMHU in collaboration with OSU. Multiple exchanges will take place during the course of the program, with CEM participants delivering guest lectures and seminars at NMHU, as well as multiple visits by NMHU students and faculty to conduct research or participate in the CEM Research Experience for Undergrads (REU) program. NSL facilities will be used directly and to provide expert advice to NMHU from NSL staff. Additionally, there will be a PREM Annual retreat alternating between Las Vegas, NM and Columbus, OH.

The Center looks forward to future research and collaboration in partnership with NMHU.

CEM Kicks Off 2015 Science Sunday Lecture Series, Hosts Dr. Jeff Childress (HGST)

Science Sundays, a free lecture series open to the public, provides a wide range of current and emerging topics and issues in science that touch our everyday lives. Speakers are experts in their fields from on campus and around the world with experience in making their topics interesting and accessible for audiences of all ages, with or without a science background.

CEM kicked off this year’s program by hosting Dr. Jeff Childress, Research Director at HGST (a Western Digital company in San Jose, California). His talk, “Science and technology of data storage,” was widely attended at the Ohio Union and well-received. Childress articulated the needs and mechanics of data storage throughout our information age with hands-on hard drives, meaningful analogies and visual aids, history, humor, and science. The Science Sundays schedule is available at http://artsandsciences.osu.edu/research/science-sundays